Introducing Simplicity! a 6.5 ft tall sculpture by Jessie Cargas.
Inspirations come from within and daily experiences. Jessie’s sculptures represent what is real and what is conceptual. She continues to work on a variety of shapes, sizes, contemporary and abstract pieces. From creating designs, to welding, to the finishes on the sculptures, are the things that keep her most inspired, motivated and driven.
Jessie has shown her work at art festivals, local galleries, garden centers, art strolls and on her website: Jessie has honed her skills by learning from others, the internet and practice, practice, practice. She focuses on metal sculpting and her business she created, Weld Made Art Works, LLC. She is not limited to certain conventions, but open to exploring new ideas and trying different things, while simultaneously adding her own unique style. Jessie’s passion for completeness and quality is seen in every piece created.